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Showing 1 to 17 of 17 results in 1 pages.
Banner Economic Survey of LAC 2023. Composite image of graphics and title of the document
30 August 2023 | Announcement
The United Nations regional organization’s Executive Secretary, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, will lead a press conference to unveil the report next Tuesday, September 5 in Santiago, Chile.
Banner new economic growth projections for 2023 (April)
19 April 2023 | Announcement
This Thursday, April 20, the United Nations regional organization will provide new Gross Domestic Product (GDP) estimates for each of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.
Banner launch of the Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean 2022
16 August 2022 | Announcement
The United Nations regional organization will provide the new figures next Tuesday, August 23, during the launch of its annual report “Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean 2022.”
Banner announcement launch of the report Preliminary Overview of the Economies 2021
5 January 2022 | Announcement
The document, which provides updated estimates on the economic growth of the region’s countries in 2021 and new projections for 2022, will be unveiled at a press conference by the United Nations organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, on Wednesday, January 12.
Banner Economic Survey 2021 ENG
24 August 2021 | Announcement
One of the organization’s main annual economic reports will be unveiled by Alicia Bárcena at a virtual press conference, on Tuesday, August 31.
Portada Revista CEPAL 132 número especial
27 April 2021 | Announcement
The United Nations regional organization’s main academic publication will hold a webinar on Thursday, April 29, led by Executive Secretary Alicia Bárcena.
Banner media advisory Preliminary Overview 2020 ENG
11 December 2020 | Announcement
The annual report “Preliminary Overview of the Economies of Latin America and the Caribbean 2020” will be released during a virtual press conference offered by the United Nations organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, on Wednesday, December 16.
Banner Economic Survey 2020 ENG
1 October 2020 | Announcement
The organization’s main annual economic report will be unveiled during a virtual press conference by the Commission’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, on Tuesday, October 6.
Banner Preliminary Overview 2019
5 December 2019 | Announcement
The Commission’s last report of the year will be unveiled in Chile in a press conference by its Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, on Thursday, December 12.
Banner Economic Survey 2019 ENG
24 July 2019 | Announcement
The organization will release its Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean 2019 in a press conference, next Wednesday, July 31.
banner Preliminary Overview report
10 December 2018 | Announcement
The annual report will be unveiled in a press conference and will include updated growth projections for 2019.
Banner Economic Survey 2018 ENG
16 August 2018 | Announcement
The document, which will provide updated growth projections for the region’s countries, will be released by the organization’s executive secretary, Alicia Bárcena, on Thursday, August 23.
Banner Samuel Bowles English
8 March 2018 | Announcement
During a visit to Chile, on Tuesday, March 13 he will speak about the origins and future of economic inequality.
Banner Preliminary Overview 2017 English
7 December 2017 | Announcement
The United Nations organization will give a press conference to unveil the preliminary overview of the region’s economies in 2017 and new projections for 2018.
Ricardo Ffrench-Davis.
29 August 2017 | Announcement
The professor at the University of Chile’s Economics Department will speak on Tuesday, September 5, at the regional organization’s headquarters in Santiago.
Cover Preliminary Overview
7 December 2015 | Announcement
United Nations organization will unveil new economic growth estimates for the countries of the region in a press conference.
foto personas caminando
27 November 2014 | Announcement
The United Nations organization will unveil its estimates in a press conference at its headquarters in Santiago, Chile.