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8 December 2020 | Press Release
Alicia Bárcena, the regional organization’s Executive Secretary, participated in the III Annual Meeting of the Comprehensive Regional Protection and Solutions Framework (MIRPS) on forced displacement, which was held virtually.
Cover remittances and value chains, ECLAC Mexico document
22 September 2020 | News
The new document poses the need to provide steadfast support to small producers to strengthen their capacities and their financial inclusion.
27 September 2019 | Press Release
Representatives of the four governments convened a high-level meeting today at United Nations headquarters in New York to discuss the Plan and challenges to its implementation
foto de la visita a El Salvador
13 de September de 2019 | News
La Secretaria Ejecutiva del organismo regional de las Naciones Unidas, Alicia Bárcena, se reunió en San Salvador con diversas autoridades del país centroamericano.
12 de September de 2019 | Press Release
En el marco de una visita oficial, Alicia Bárcena se reunió con el Presidente del país, Jimmy Morales, y el Presidente electo para 2020-2024, Alejandro Giammattei, entre otras autoridades.
25 July 2019 | Press Release
In the context of an official two-day visit, the regional organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, met with President Juan Orlando Hernández and participated in the inauguration of the National Commission on the 2030 Agenda.
Fotografía del panel de la conferencia.
11 December 2018 | News
In Marrakech today, ECLAC and FAO presented a document that examines the main causes and salient characteristics of the migratory phenomenon in countries of the subregion.
Portada del documento.
11 December 2018 | Announcement
The report, which analyzes the main characteristics of migration in the countries of the region, will be presented today at a press conference in the frame of the Intergovernmental Conference on the Global Compact for Migration.
10 December 2018 | Press Release
The regional initiative will change the paradigm of migration, development and cooperation between northern Central America and Mexico, under ECLAC’s auspices.
29 October 2018 | Press Release
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary gave a keynote speech in the framework of the colloquium “Central America and Mexico at a crossroads today,” organized by the United Nations regional organization, The College of Mexico and the Central American Integration System (SICA).
29 de October de 2018 | Speech
Palabras de Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria ejecutiva de la CEPAL.
Mesa inaugural
4 de July de 2017 | News
La CEPAL, con apoyo de la cooperación alemana (GIZ), inauguró hoy un taller de dos días en la capital mexicana.
Mesa inaugural
6 de April de 2017 | News
La reunión, que tuvo lugar en la Casa Presidencial en San Salvador, contó con el apoyo de la cooperación alemana (GIZ).
Banner de la Tercera Reunión de la Mesa Directiva de la Conferencia Regional sobre Población y Desarrollo.
3 de October de 2016 | Announcement
Delegados de países de América Latina y el Caribe participarán del 4 al 6 de octubre en la Tercera Reunión de la Mesa Directiva de la Conferencia Regional sobre Población y Desarrollo.
18 December 2015 | Statement
"2015 will be remembered as a year of human suffering and migrant tragedies. Over the past 12 months, more than 5,000 women, men and children lost their lives in search of protection and a better life", Ban Ki-moon pointed out.
6 October 2015 | Press Release
The President of Mexico and the Executive Secretary of ECLAC opened the second meeting of the Regional Conference on Population and Development in Mexico City.
photo of the first session of the Regional Conference on Population and Development.
17 August 2015 | Announcement
The meeting, organized by ECLAC and the Government of Mexico, will be held on October 6-9.