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9 September 2015 | Infographic
This infographic is part of a series produced by ECLAC to assess the degree of compliance with the Millenium Development Goals (MDG) in Latin America and the Caribbean.
1 July 2015 | Infographic
Statistics provide an interpretation and summary of data.
13 de March de 2015 | Infographic
América Latina y el Caribe muestra una tendencia de crecimiento de las emisiones de C02. Sólo 4 países presentan tendencias a la baja entre 2000 y 2010: Belice, Guatemala, Jamaica y República Dominicana. Además, durante los últimos 20 años solo en 6 países se ha incrementado la superficie cubierta por bosques: Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, San Vicente y las Granadinas, Santa Lucía y Uruguay.
5 May 2014 | Infographic
In recent years, an increase in household income in the region has resulted in a striking rise in consumption, which has in turn improved well-being in sectors traditionally deprived of access to some goods and services. However, the consumption pattern is strongly procyclical and volatile, with a bias towards private consumption based on income brackets.