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27 de October de 2020 | Briefing note
Es con mucha tristeza que el Centro Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Demografía (CELADE/CEPAL/NU), recibe la noticia del fallecimiento del profesor José Alberto Magno de Carvalho del Centro de Desarrollo y Planificación Regional de la UFMG (CEDEPLAR/UFMG). Primer brasileño en ser doctor en demografía, el profesor José Alberto deja un legado de gran importancia para la demografía latinoamericana.
10 February 2020 | Briefing note
Similar to other REDATAM applications, that for the Montserrat census provides basic tabulations such as frequency tables and cross-tabulations as well as thematic indicators for census topics such as education, employment, health, disability and housing. These indicators are all available for output in the form of tables, graphs or maps.
15 May 2019 | Briefing note
CELADE is pleased to invite all Redatam users to the 2019 training workshop to be held in Santiago, Chile from August 19th through 30th, 2019
23 January 2019 | Briefing note
CELADE - Population Division of ECLAC announces to all REDATAM users an update of Redatam7 that includes improvements and new functionalities in the Create, Process and Admin modules.
15 February 2017 | Briefing note
Experts from the Burundi Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies and the UNFPA-Burundi National Office will hold a two-week internship at CELADE, Population Division of ECLAC, to deepen the use of REDATAM as a platform for processing, analysis and dissemination of the socio-demographic information produced by the Institute.
17 January 2017 | Briefing note
This course will deepen for a week on the definition of socio-demographic indicators and its statistical processing using the Redatam 7Process module.