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28 July 2020 | Other events
The virtual seminar sought raise awareness on the Escazú Agreement and its synergies with the 2030 Agenda and other international processes, examine the role of the Judiciary in the implementation of environmental access rights and environmental protection and review the national and regional...
25 July 2020 | Other events
The virtual seminar sought to provide a general overview of the Escazú Agreement and its synergies with the 2030 Agenda and multilateral environmental agreements, as well as exchange views with the members of the National Workers Union in Saint Lucia to support the ratification process of the...
1 April 2020 | Other events
**** Event postponed **** Organized by the Government of Grenada and the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, the seminar aims to raise awareness on the Escazú Agreement and its synergies with the 2030 Agenda and other international processes, review the role of...
31 March 2020 | Other events
**** Event postponed **** Organized by the Government of Grenada and the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, the seminar aims to raise awareness on the Escazú Agreement and its synergies with the 2030 Agenda and other international processes, examine the...