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24 April 2024 | Press Release
At the conclusion of the third meeting of the Conference of the Parties, the countries agreed on the urgency of integrating and strengthening the gender perspective in the Agreement and adopted various decisions regarding the regional treaty.
22 April 2024 | Press Release
The third meeting of the Conference of the Parties to Latin America and the Caribbean’s first environmental treaty was inaugurated by Chilean President Gabriel Boric. During this event, the Action Plan on Human Rights Defenders in Environmental Matters will be presented.
4 December 2023 | Press Release
The document entitled “The Economics of Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2023: Financing needs and policy tools for the transition to low-carbon and climate-resilient economies” was unveiled by the organization’s Executive Secretary, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, during the global gathering that is taking place in Dubai.
5 de June de 2023 | Press Release
Se requieren políticas basadas en la evidencia, que involucren a la ciudadanía y que fortalezcan marcos legales e instituciones para el desarrollo sostenible, plantea el organismo regional de las Naciones Unidas.
23 de November de 2022 | Press Release
La reunión tuvo lugar el 22-23 de noviembre en Quito, Ecuador, organizada por la CEPAL en su calidad de Secretaría del Acuerdo de Escazú, en alianza con el PNUMA, ACNUDH y el Gobierno de Ecuador.
22 April 2022 | Press Release
The final day of the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 1) to the Agreement included a high-level event in celebration of the first anniversary of its entry into force and International Mother Earth Day.
20 April 2022 | Press Release
Chilean President Gabriel Boric, along with other authorities from the region, representatives of the United Nations and of the public, kicked off the Conference of the Parties (COP1) of the Agreement at ECLAC’s headquarters in Santiago, Chile.
28 January 2022 | Press Release
Speaking before Environment Ministers, ECLAC’s Executive Secretary presented a new document by the Commission on financing for sustainable development in the context of the post-COVID-19 recovery in the region.
17 August 2021 | Press Release
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary participated in the launch of the State of the Climate in Latin America and the Caribbean 2020 Report, produced by the World Meteorological Organization.
22 April 2021 | Press Release
On the day of celebrations organized by ECLAC, the region’s countries reaffirmed the importance of the first regional environmental treaty and their commitment to protecting the planet and the people who defend it.
24 March 2021 | Press Release
The latest version of this flagship publication by the United Nations regional commission presents a selection of indicators and statistics on the social, economic and environmental situation of the region’s countries.
18 March 2021 | Press Release
At the conclusion of the fourth meeting of the Forum of the Countries on Sustainable Development, government representatives reaffirmed the dire urgency of building fair, sustainable societies that would tackle inequality and guarantee citizenship and rights, and of acting together as a region to ensure access to vaccines for the entire population.
18 June 2020 | Press Release
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, presented a new book today that exhaustively reviews the effects of climate change in the region and the policies addressing it.
5 June 2020 | Press Release
The United Nations regional commission joins the call to raise our voices for nature. To confront the pandemic effectively and sustainably, Latin America and the Caribbean must prioritize green, low-carbon solutions that are centered on people and on our planet.
19 de December de 2019 | Press Release
Principal publicación académica del organismo incluye además artículos sobre precariedad laboral en Chile, disparidades fiscales regionales en Uruguay y una exploración empírica de la calidad de vida del adulto mayor, entre otros temas.
29 de November de 2019 | Press Release
Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL; Ennio Vivaldi, Rector de la Universidad de Chile y Luis Pinto, Rector de la Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, encabezaron la ceremonia de lanzamiento del Informe País: Estado del Medio Ambiente en Chile 2018, que fue presentado por el académico Nicolo Gligo.
4 June 2019 | Press Release
On the occasion of World Environment Day 2019, the central theme of which is air pollution, the United Nations organization calls on Latin American and Caribbean States to advance on coordinated action at a local, national, regional and international level to address this problem.
4 March 2019 | Press Release
On the first anniversary of its adoption, the organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, publishes an open letter highlighting the relevance of this first environmental treaty in the region.
27 September 2018 | Press Release
The “Escazú Agreement” was opened for signing by Latin American and Caribbean States in a ceremony held in the context of the UN General Assembly in New York.
13 September 2018 | Press Release
The ceremony will be held on Thursday, September 27 at the global organization’s headquarters in New York.