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Image year in review 2015
29 December 2015 | News
The United Nations organization published diverse studies this year on the economic, social and environmental situation of countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.
22 December 2015 | Infographic
Fiscal policy can be a powerful instrument for income redistribution, which is key to inclusive development, according to the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). We present here which countries in the region have made tax reforms and in what areas, in 2014 and the first half of 2015.
17 December 2015 | Press Release
ECLAC updated its growth projections for 2015 and next year. The fall in commodities prices and declining investment are some of the factors behind the slow regional expansion.
9 de December de 2015 | Press Release
Publicación académica del organismo incluye estudio sobre las variaciones de precios en la demanda por combustibles y sus implicaciones para la política pública y el desarrollo sostenible.
9 de December de 2015 | Fact sheet
Resumen del artículo publicado en Revista CEPAL N° 117, diciembre de 2015. Autores: Indira Romero-Márquez y Juan Carlos Moreno-Brid.
9 de December de 2015 | Fact sheet
Resumen del artículo publicado en Revista CEPAL N° 117, diciembre de 2015. Autores: Gustavo Chagas Goudard y Fábio Henrique Bittes Terra.
8 December 2015 | Press Release
The United Nations regional organization presented this proposal in the framework of the international conference against global warming that is being held in Paris.
Cover Preliminary Overview
7 December 2015 | Announcement
United Nations organization will unveil new economic growth estimates for the countries of the region in a press conference.
Foto de ganado en Uruguay
3 December 2015 | News
A document prepared by ECLAC’s Office in Montevideo analyzes the economic activities that could be taxed with these kinds of levies.
General view of the Regional Seminar on Fiscal Policy
3 December 2015 | Announcement
The XXVIII Regional Seminar on Fiscal Policy, organized by ECLAC, will be held March 16-17, 2016.
12 November 2015 | Press Release
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary gave a keynote lecture at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and made a presentation before the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI).
27 October 2015 | Press Release
ECLAC-ILO calls for implementing productive development policies that foster the creation of more and better jobs.
14 October 2015 | News
Parliamentarians and experts met with the Deputy Executive Secretary and learned about the Commission’s work in areas such as economic and social development, science and technology, education, equality and planning.
9 October 2015 | Press Release
Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of the organization, is participating in the 2015 Annual Meetings of the WBG and IMF, and as of today is part of the delegation of the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon during his visit to Peru.
5 October 2015 | Press Release
The regional economic dynamic shows a marked diversity. The economies of the South will be the most affected by the impact of a less favorable external context, the organization said.
30 September 2015 | Press Release
During a seminar at ECLAC, the lessons and challenges of the integration process carried out in Central America were addressed.
24 September 2015 | Op-ed
Op-ed by Alicia Bárcena, ECLAC Executive Secretary (September 2015).
9 September 2015 | Infographic
This infographic is part of a series produced by ECLAC to assess the degree of compliance with the Millenium Development Goals (MDG) in Latin America and the Caribbean.
9 September 2015 | Op-ed
Opinion Column by Daniel Titelman, Director of ECLAC’s Economic Development Division (published in ECLAC Notes N⁰ 85, September 2015).
9 September 2015 | News
During the gathering held at ECLAC, participants presented research papers on fiscal and financial ties between different levels of government.