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Meeting banner.
10 November 2020 | Announcement
The twenty-eighth meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Council for Planning of ECLAC’s Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning (ILPES) will take place virtually on November 12.
Postcard opening ceremony PSES 38 ENG
23 October 2020 | Announcement
On this occasion, the regional commission will present its new development proposal for a transformative recovery with equality and sustainability for the region’s countries.
Thirty-eighth Session of ECLAC's logo
20 October 2020 | Announcement
This UN regional commission’s most important biennial meeting will be carried out virtually for the first time in history.
Fotografía oficial de Concausa 2018.
9 de March de 2020 | Announcement
El seminario, que se enmarca dentro de la iniciativa Concausa, organizada por la CEPAL, América Solidaria y UNICEF, se realizará el miércoles 11 de marzo en la sede central de la comisión regional de las Naciones Unidas en Santiago, Chile.
Alicia Bárcena, ECLAC's Executive Secretary.
20 January 2020 | Announcement
Alicia Bárcena will participate in numerous sessions during the four days of the annual meeting being held in Davos, Switzerland. She will present the Comprehensive Development Plan for northern Central America and south-southeastern Mexico and address other issues of regional and global importance.