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Showing 21 to 27 of 27 results in 2 pages.
Banner third meeting Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development
23 April 2019 | Announcement
Government and United Nations’ authorities will participate in the regional gathering, which will take place on April 22-26 at ECLAC’s headquarters.
Amina Mohammed, Vicesecretaria General de las Naciones Unidas (derecha), junto a Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL
16 April 2019 | Announcement
The senior authority from the global organization will travel to Chile to participate in the regional gathering, which will take place on April 22-26 at ECLAC’s headquarters.
Imagen Conferencia China y América Latina
8 de April de 2019 | Announcement
Tercer encuentro tendrá lugar el próximo jueves 11 de abril y abordará las relaciones entre ambas partes desde una perspectiva multidisciplinaria.
Semana del desarrollo en transición
28 September 2018 | Announcement
On Thursday, October 4, a high-level dialogue will take place with keynote addresses by Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of the UN regional organization; Neven Mimica, EU Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development; and Roberto Ampuero, Chile’s Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Banner foro académico CELAC-China
16 de October de 2017 | Announcement
Reunión se efectuará en la sede del organismo en Santiago, Chile, el 17 y 18 de octubre.
Alicia Bárcena junto a empresarios y embajadores en Berlín.
5 July 2016 | Announcement
Alicia Bárcena will stay in the German capital for 48 hours and she will also hold several high level meetings and participate in an international debate organized by the Group of Ambassadors from Latin America and the Caribbean (GRULAC).
foto de Li Keqiang, Primer Ministro de China.
14 May 2015 | Announcement
The presentation by Li Keqiang, which will be broadcast live on the Internet, will take place on Monday, May 25, at the UN organization’s headquarters in Santiago, Chile.