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13 de July de 2015 | Announcement
El martes 14 de julio se realizará una reunión de expertos en la sede de la CEPAL en Santiago de Chile.
25 de June de 2015 | Announcement
Evento de lanzamiento se efectuará en la sede del organismo en Santiago el miércoles 1 de julio.
19 de January de 2015 | Announcement
El seminario internacional, organizado por el país asiático y el organismo regional de Naciones Unidas, se realizará el 22 de enero a partir de las 9 horas en Santiago, Chile.
14 January 2015 | Announcement
ECLAC's Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, will receive the Director of Studies from the EHESS.
8 de January de 2015 | Announcement
El curso internacional Educación para el desarrollo sustentable: El territorio como un espacio educativo será inaugurado el 12 de enero en la sede del organismo regional de Naciones Unidas.
9 December 2014 | Announcement
ECLAC and the Government of Peru will hold a press conference on Wednesday 10 December during the COP 20 being held in the capital of that country.
Foto del sol y termómetro midiendo la temperatura
4 December 2014 | Announcement
The regional United Nations organization will present two reports and participate in numerous side events during the meeting which will be held in Lima, Peru, until December 12.
SIDS logo
1 September 2014 | Announcement
The Third International Conference on SIDS will take place from 1-4 September 2014 in Apia, Independent State of Samoa. ECLAC will also participate in two main side events during the event.
Duodécima Conferencia Anual sobre Análisis Económico Global
6 August 2009 | Announcement
Experts will also discuss the economics of climate change, commodity prices and the global energy situation.