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13 January 2021 | Press Release
Government authorities and international officials participated in the Fourth Meeting of the Presiding Officers of ECLAC’s Regional Conference on Social Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, in the framework of the XII Ministerial Forum for Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, organized jointly with UNDP.
11 January 2021 | Press Release
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary delivered a keynote lecture at a seminar inaugurating the 21st edition of the School of Latin American Development Studies.
10 December 2020 | Press Release
A high-level event on the occasion of International Human Rights Day, held in the framework of the Second Meeting of the Signatory Countries to the Agreement, brought together Epsy Campbell (Costa Rica), Michelle Bachelet (OHCHR), Alicia Bárcena (ECLAC), Mary Robinson (The Elders) and Martha Delgado (Mexico), among other prominent figures.
9 December 2020 | Press Release
The second meeting of the signatory countries to Latin America and the Caribbean’s first environmental treaty is being held virtually on December 9-10, under the auspices of the Government of Antigua and Barbuda.
19 November 2020 | Press Release
The Executive Secretary of the United Nations organization, Alicia Bárcena, participated in a webinar entitled “Latin America: Church, Pope Francis and pandemic-related scenarios,” organized by the papal headquarters.
12 November 2020 | Press Release
Today, senior authorities from Latin American and Caribbean countries held the twenty-eighth meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Council for Planning of ECLAC’s Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning (ILPES).
2 November 2020 | Press Release
In a special chapter of the “ECLAC’s Horizons” program, the organization’s Executive Secretary delved into the issues addressed during the Commission’s 38th session and the policy proposals for a post-pandemic recovery.
28 October 2020 | Press Release
The United Nations regional commission’s thirty-eighth session concluded today with a ceremony led by the Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, Amina Mohammed; the Permanent Representative of Guyana to the UN, Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett; ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena; and Costa Rica’s Foreign Minister, Rodolfo Solano.
27 October 2020 | Press Release
At its 38th session, ECLAC unveiled its development proposal for Latin American and Caribbean countries.
26 October 2020 | Press Release
The Presidents of Costa Rica, Carlos Alvarado, and Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, along with UN Secretary-General António Guterres; ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena; the OECD’s Secretary-General, Ángel Gurría; and the IMF’s Managing Director, Kristalina Georgieva, kicked off the regional organization’s most important biennial meeting, which will be held virtually through Wednesday, October 28.
15 October 2020 | Press Release
The regional organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, presented today the eighth special report produced by the institution in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, during a web seminar that featured the intervention of prominent figures from Latin America and the Caribbean..
7 October 2020 | Press Release
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary participated in a regional conference organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany, focused on the prospects for triangular cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean.
1 de October de 2020 | Press Release
La Secretaria Ejecutiva del organismo regional, Alicia Bárcena, participó de forma virtual en la clausura del XXI Encuentro Internacional de Estadísticas de Género.
25 September 2020 | Press Release
This solidarity initiative amid the recession caused by the pandemic was presented this Friday by the President of the Republic, Carlos Alvarado, along with global leaders, in the framework of the United Nations General Assembly.
10 September 2020 | Press Release
Authorities from more than 25 countries met with ECLAC and other multilateral organizations at the Caribbean Development Roundtable and the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee.
31 de August de 2020 | Press Release
Principal publicación académica del organismo incluye además artículos sobre política fiscal, industria manufacturera en México y la técnica de programación cepalina y los economistas en Argentina a mediados del siglo XX, entre otros temas.
25 August 2020 | Press Release
The Nineteenth Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Statistical Conference of the Americas (SCA) was inaugurated today with a call to strengthen the role of national statistical offices in order to tackle the challenges of COVID-19.
4 August 2020 | Press Release
Representatives of ECLAC’s member countries met today at the thirty-fifth session of the Commission’s Committee of the Whole, in which Costa Rica assumed the regional organization’s Presidency Pro Tempore for the next two years.
23 July 2020 | Press Release
Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of the UN regional commission, participated today in a conference organized by CELAC and FAO’s regional office for Latin America and the Caribbean.
15 July 2020 | Press Release
Rodrigo Malmierca, Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment of Cuba, in his capacity as chair of ECLAC’s Committee of the Whole, spoke today during a segment on “Regional Forums: Key Messages,” held in the framework of the High-level Political Forum 2020.