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12 de April de 2023 | Press Release
La principal publicación académica del organismo de las Naciones Unidas incluye también en su nueva edición artículos sobre la seguridad energética de Centroamérica y las lecciones dejadas por la pandemia para la política social de Costa Rica, entre otros temas.
29 de August de 2022 | Press Release
En su nueva edición, la publicación académica incluye además artículos sobre la complejidad económica y el desarrollo humano, el carácter sistémico del desarrollo tecnológico, y las desigualdades en la sociedad digital, entre otros temas.
2 December 2021 | Press Release
The Development Centre of the OECD, ECLAC, CAF and the European Commission launch today their joint report Latin American Economic Outlook (LEO) 2021.
8 July 2021 | Press Release
In a new report, ECLAC raised its regional growth estimate for this year to 5.2% based on an economic rebound but that does not ensure sustained expansion. It warns that the social impacts of the crisis are worsening and will continue during the recovery.
29 April 2021 | Press Release
A special issue of the CEPAL Review on COVID-19’s economic and social effects in the region was presented during a webinar led by Alicia Bárcena, the organization’s Executive Secretary.
21 April 2020 | Press Release
ECLAC released new growth projections for Latin American and Caribbean countries. It underscores that in the medium term, this crisis will provoke structural changes in the organization of production, international trade, and the current globalization model.
3 April 2020 | Press Release
A new report by ECLAC warns that the crisis unleashed by the coronavirus illness could lead to a contraction of at least -1.8% in Latin America and the Caribbean’s GDP in 2020.
24 April 2019 | Press Release
The third meeting of the gathering was inaugurated today at ECLAC’s headquarters in Santiago, Chile, with the presence of representatives from all the region’s countries.
29 May 2017 | Press Release
Keith Rowley met with the Commission’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, agreeing to increase bilateral cooperation.
1 April 2016 | Press Release
At a meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers, Alicia Bárcena presented an economic and social overview of the region and its prospects in light of the 2030 Agenda. She emphasized the need to give the economy a big environmental push with new technology and investment paradigms, within a horizon of equality and sustainability.