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Foto del Secretario Ejecutivo de la CEPAL en la testera con otras dos personas
26 October 2023 | News
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, participated in the “Dialogues on Uruguay’s Future,” where he stressed the need to escalate productive development policies and focus efforts on dynamic sectors to increase growth in the region’s countries and make it more sustainable and inclusive.
8 October 2021 | News
An international seminar organized by ECLAC on October 6-7 announced the key findings of a project financed by the United Nations Development Account.
Evento por un futuro más prometedor (OIT)
22 de April de 2019 | News
Autoridades y expertos de OIT, CEPAL y PNUD analizaron los desafíos laborales para América Latina y el Caribe, en un evento paralelo al Foro de los Países sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible.
Manfred Haebig, Mario Cimoli,  y Laís Abramo Directora
3 April 2019 | News
A seminar on the subject was inaugurated in Santiago de Chile, by senior representatives of ECLAC and the German Cooperation GIZ.
De izquierda a derecha: Erland Skutlaberg, Encargado de Negocios a.i. de la Embajada de Noruega en Chile; Juan Manuel Santa Cruz, Director Nacional del SENCE Chile; Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL; y Laís Abramo, Directora de la División de Desarrollo Social de la CEPAL.
13 March 2019 | News
Alicia Bárcena, ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, Erland Skutlaberg from the Norwegian Embassy in Chile, and Juan Manuel Santa Cruz, the National Director of SENCE Chile, inaugurated a seminar in Santiago, Chile.
1 April 2015 | News
Experts debated in New York about entrepreneurship, technologies and women’s role in the work area.
17 December 2014 | News
ECLAC’s Deputy Executive Secretary, Antonio Prado, spoke on a panel that addressed building educational and labor systems that guarantee equal opportunities.