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Top, blue text on grey background: 2022. Bottom, white text on red background: Social Panorama of La
19 May 2023 | News
The presentation was made by José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, Executive Secretary of the UN regional organization.
16 de May de 2023 | Announcement
El evento de presentación se llevará a cabo el viernes 19 de mayo y estará encabezado por José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, Secretario Ejecutivo del organismo regional de las Naciones Unidas.
foto del lanzamiento del sitio web de la campaña por un buen trato
9 December 2019 | News
A highlight was the launch of the website of the global campaign for the good treatment of girls, boys and adolescents with disabilities, an initiative led by the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy, María Soledad Cisternas.
foto de la mesa inaugural
4 de December de 2019 | News
María Soledad Cisternas, Enviada Especial del Secretario General de la ONU sobre la discapacidad y la accesibilidad, y Mario Cimoli, Secretario Ejecutivo Adjunto de la Comisión, encabezaron el evento que contó con la participación de un grupo de niños, niñas y adolescentes con discapacidad de Chile.
23 October 2019 | News
ECLAC training demonstrates the latest ICTs available for people with disabilities and the opportunities they create for people with different types of disabilities.
De izquierda a derecha: Hernán Larraín, Ministro de Justicia y Derechos Humanos de Chile; Raúl García-Buchaca, Secretario Ejecutivo Adjunto de Administración y Análisis de Programas de la CEPAL; María Ximena Rivas, Directora Nacional del Servicio Nacional de la Discapacidad; y María Soledad Cisternas, Enviada Especial del Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas sobre discapacidad y accesibilidad.
11 de January de 2019 | News
La iniciativa, presentada por María Soledad Cisternas, Enviada Especial del Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas sobre discapacidad y accesibilidad, contó con la participación de altas autoridades del Gobierno de Chile, entre otros representantes.
La Fundación Luz deleitó al personal de la CEPAL con el repertorio de su Orquesta Sonidos de Luz, que se presentó el viernes 7 de diciembre en los patios del edificio.
10 December 2018 | News
Approximately 12% of the population in Latin America and the Caribbean has some kind of disability, which represents around 70 million people.
4 December 2017 | Statement
On this day, let us remove physical and cultural barriers, build resilient societies and create opportunities that truly leave no one behind, António Guterres, UN Secretary-General, says in his message.
Panel de la reunión regional encabezada por Simone Cecchini.
20 de June de 2017 | News
Expertos de América Latina y el Caribe inauguraron reunión regional sobre medición y estadísticas de discapacidad en apoyo a la Agenda 2030 y el Programa Mundial de Censos de Población y Vivienda de 2020.
12 April 2017 | News
There are more than a million people in the Caribbean living with some form of disability and an estimated 250,000 who experience significant disabilities.
Foto mesa inaugural
17 November 2016 | News
On November 15-17, this topic was explored during a meeting held in Santiago, Chile, organized by ECLAC and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
15 de November de 2016 | Speech
Palabras de Antonio Prado, Secretario Ejecutivo Adjunto de la CEPAL.
3 December 2015 | Statement
"We mark this year’s International Day of Persons with Disabilities in the wake of the adoption of the ambitious 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development", Ban Ki-moon says. This global blueprint for action summons us to "leave no one behind”, he adds.
Usuario registrandose en ReDeSoc
8 de April de 2015 | News
La Red está dirigida a académicos, especialistas, tomadores de decisiones de política e instituciones públicas, privadas y de la sociedad civil.
3 December 2014 | Statement
"Let us spare no effort to ensure that policies, programmes, guidelines and 21st century technologies are accessible to persons with disabilities", the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says in his message.
1 September 2014 | News
More than 70 million people are estimated to have lived with a disability in Latin America and the Caribbean between 2001 and 2013.
2 June 2014 | News
During a meeting organized by ECLAC, participants analysed the strategic priorities for ensuring the political and social participation of this section of society.
12 November 2013 | Press Release
Heads of national institutes pointed out the relevance of coordinating efforts facing the post-2015 agenda.
21 March 2013 | Statement
"Working together, we can help build an equitable, just and inclusive world that celebrates diversity, is free of discrimination and provides equal opportunities for all", says the UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon.