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4 January 2023 | Briefing note
United States economic outlook: third quarter of 2022 The United States economy rose 2.9% in the third quarter of 2022, a sharp turnaround following two quarters of contraction. Here is the economic outlook in five charts:
16 December 2022 | Briefing note
After breaking an annual record in 2021, total Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) bond issuance in international markets has slowed considerably in 2022.
29 November 2022 | Briefing note
The United States has witnessed historic inflation since the economy began to reopen in 2021 following the COVID-19 lockdowns. Here are some of these inflation trends in five charts:
8 November 2022 | Briefing note
The ECLAC Office in Washington D.C. has published new issue of its Series Studies and Perspectives.
8 November 2022 | Briefing note
The ECLAC Office in Washington D.C. has published new issue of its Series Studies and Perspectives.
18 de October de 2022 | Briefing note
The countries of Latin America and the Caribbean face a complex macroeconomic environment this year.
11 July 2022 | Briefing note
In 2021, economic growth in the United States was the strongest since 1984 (5.7%) but in the first quarter of 2022 the economy contracted. Here is the economic outlook in five charts:
2 de June de 2022 | Briefing note
Al finalizar la Quinta Reunión del Foro de los países de América Latina y el Caribe sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible, representantes de la región se comprometieron a redoblar esfuerzos para implementar efectivamente la Agenda 2030 y concluyeron que la erradicación de la pobreza en todas sus formas es el mayor desafío actual y constituye un requisito indispensable para el desarrollo sostenible.
20 December 2021 | Briefing note
Economic growth in the United States slowed to a 2.1% annual rate in the third quarter of 2021, from a 6.7% annual rate in the second.
17 June 2021 | Briefing note
Capital Flows to Latin America and the Caribbean—First four months of 2021 Latin American and Caribbean debt issuers reached a milestone in the first quarter of 2021, registering the highest quarterly issuance on record in international bond markets. In the first four months of 2021, the total reached US$ 65.5 billion.
19 de May de 2021 | Briefing note
En el marco de la Semana por la Justicia Fiscal y los Derechos Humanos, la Oficial de Asunto Sociales de la División de Asuntos de Género de CEPAL, Nicole Bidegain participó en el evento “No discriminación y política fiscal: ¿Qué aprendizajes destacar de la experiencia feminista?”. El seminario web es parte de las actividades de lanzamiento de los Principios de Derechos Humanos en la Política Fiscal.
18 de May de 2021 | Briefing note
Autoridades de Gobierno, especialistas y representantes del Sistema de las Naciones Unidas, de otros organismos internacionales y de organizaciones de la sociedad civil intercambiaron propuestas para incorporar la perspectiva de género en las políticas fiscales, con el objetivo de avanzar hacia una recuperación transformadora que contribuya a la igualdad de género y la garantía de los derechos de las mujeres en América Latina y el Caribe.
4 May 2021 | Briefing note
The United States economy contracted at a 3.5% annual rate in 2020; faster growth is expected in 2021.
5 de March de 2021 | Briefing note
En línea con el trabajo de investigación y asistencias técnicas que la CEPAL viene realizando en diferentes países de la región, la Unidad de Financiamiento para el Desarrollo colaboró con apoyo técnico en el lanzamiento del programa CREAR: confianza, reactivación y acceso, que se llevó a cabo el pasado 10 de febrero, de manera virtual, en Bogotá, Colombia.
10 November 2020 | Briefing note
Global financial conditions have shown signs of stabilization since end of March, due to the action of the major central banks.
28 de September de 2020 | Briefing note
La CEPAL, el COSEFIN, el Programa Euroclima+ y la GIZ coinciden en responder a la crisis económica y social del COVID-19 con una fiscalidad que de un gran impulso para la sostenibilidad ambiental
5 June 2020 | Briefing note
In the context of the ECLAC-BMZ/giz Cooperation Program "Sustainable development paths for middle-income countries in the framework of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development in Latin America and the Caribbean", a virtual workshop on emerging occupations and regulation of platform work in Costa Rica was organized on June 4th, 2020. The workshop was part of the work being carried out in Cluster 2 on digital change of the current ECLAC-BMZ/giz Cooperation Program.
26 de May de 2020 | Briefing note
On May 26th, the ECLAC office in Brasilia, together with the Brazilian Global Compact Network, held a webinar about the "Big Push for Sustainability", in which more than 60 case studies of investments for sustainable development in Brazil were presented.
23 April 2020 | Briefing note
The U.S. economy grew 2.3% in 2019; a recession is expected in 2020.