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Second Call: Regional Fund for Women's and Feminist Organizations and Movements

30 November 2023|Briefing note

On November 30, 2023, the second call for grant applications was launched for women's and feminist civil society organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean. The deadline for receipt of proposals is January 30, 2024.

The initiative, implemented as a follow-up to the agreements adopted at the Sixty-fifth meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean (11-12 October 2023), is aimed at strengthening women's and feminist organizations to promote women's empowerment and the advancement of the SDGs and the Regional Gender Agenda.

Call for applications and conditions are available on the Regional Fund's website (available in Spanish). They are also available (in Spanish and English) on the website of UN Women, Fund's administrator. The deadline for receipt of proposals is January 30, 2024.

The Regional Fund is a joint initiative between governments, women's and feminist organizations and movements in Latin America and the Caribbean and agencies of the United Nations system, which arises within the framework of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, with the objective to support women's and feminist organizations in the region, through the financing of projects that seek to contribute to the achievement of gender equality, women's economic, physical, and decision-making autonomy, and the guarantee of their rights in the region, within the framework of the Regional Gender Agenda and in coordination with the Mechanisms for the Advancement of Women.

The Regional Fund complies with the measures established in the Montevideo Strategy for the Implementation of the Regional Gender Agenda in the framework of Sustainable Development towards 2030 (2016) and the agreements of the Santiago Commitment (2020) and the Buenos Aires Commitment (2022) for the strengthening of the participation of women's and feminist organizations in the region.

Mor information at: (available in Spanish)