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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 1 to 20 of 21 results in 2 pages.
Publication cover
December 1995 |
  • Cáceres, Luis René

En este artículo se examinan los beneficios que podría encontrar Panamá en una eventual integración con los países del Mercado Común...

Publication cover
December 1995 |
  • Di Filippo, Armando

El comercio entre los países de la ALADI ha crecido con excepcional dinamismo en lo que va corrido de los años noventa, especialmente en la rama...

Publication cover
December 1995 |
  • Cáceres, Luis René

This article looks at the benefits that Panama could derive from its possible integration with the countries of the Central American Common Market...

Publication cover
December 1995 |
  • Di Filippo, Armando

Trade among the ALADI countries has grown with exceptional vigour so far in the 1990s, especially in the branches of metal products, machinery and...

Publication cover
August 1995 |
  • Gitli, Eduardo

El tema de las reglas de origen en las negociaciones internacionales, que despierta interés desde principios de los años setenta, ha sido...

Publication cover
August 1995 |
  • Müller, Geraldo

La competitividad se ha convertido en una de las principales "normas" del inestable juego internacional. La apertura comercial, los...

Publication cover
August 1995 |
  • Kuwayama, Mikio

Among the East and Southeast Asian economies often regarded as the most successful showcases, the People's Republic of China (PRC); occupies...

Publication cover
August 1995 |
  • Müller, Geraldo

Competitiveness has become one of the main "standards" governing the ever-changing interplay of interests at the international level....

Publication cover
August 1995
Publication cover
July 1995 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

The Caribbean Meeting of Experts on Implementation of the SIDS Programme of Action,
held at the Holiday Inn Hotel, Port of Spain, Trinidad...

Publication cover
April 1995 |
  • Lahera, Eugenio
  • Ottone, Ernesto
  • Rosales V., Osvaldo

Existe un creciente consenso en que si bien una base macroeconómica sólida y equilibrada es una condición del desarrollo, no basta para asegurarlo...

Publication cover
April 1995 |
  • Moguillansky, Graciela

El paso de una situación de escasez de recursos externos a una de relativa abundancia de ellos, en el marco de una apertura comercial y financiera...

Publication cover
April 1995 |
  • Gligo, Nicolo

La mayoría de los análisis sobre la economía regional poco o nada dicen de la situación del medio ambiente y los recursos naturales; faltan...

Publication cover
April 1995 |
  • Lahera, Eugenio
  • Ottone, Ernesto
  • Rosales V., Osvaldo

There is growing consensus that although a solid, balanced macroeconomic base is a necessary condition for development, it is not of itself enough...

Publication cover
April 1995 |
  • Moguillansky, Graciela

The region's changeover from a shortage of external funds to a relatively plentiful supply of such resources at a time when an effort is...

Publication cover
April 1995 |
  • Gligo, Nicolo

Most studies of the region's economy say little or nothing about the status of its environment and natural resources; few references are made...

Publication cover
April 1995 |

Foreword Four years ago, the secretariat submitted to the States members of ECLAC the document entitled Changing Production Patterns with...

Publication cover
April 1995