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Gender Affairs

Collection of publications aimed at mainstreaming gender equality in public policies in the region. Prepared by: Division for Gender Affairs. ISSN: 1564-4170.

Ten years of feminist foreign policy and feminist international development cooperation policy: an opportunity for Latin America and the Caribbean

Ten years of feminist foreign policy and feminist international development cooperation policy: an opportunity for Latin America and the Caribbean

In the last decade, there has been a trend within a group of 12 countries and among various international organizations for foreign policy and international development cooperation policy to be used to accelerate the attainment of gender equality and respect for the human rights of women and...

Autor: Güezmes, Ana- Romero Castelán, Brianda Descripción física: 95 pages. Editorial: ECLAC Fecha: May 2024 ECLAC symbol: LC/TS.2023/202/Rev.1