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A series of monographs bringing together documents arising from ECLAC studies and research.

International Trade

Collection relating to trends in global and regional trade in goods and services, trade policies and negotiations, and regional integration processes, among other topics, analysed from the perspective of the position of the Latin American and Caribbean region in the global economy. Prepared by: Division of International Trade and Integration. ISSN: 1680-869X.

Production Development

Collection of publications on industrial development policy, business strategies, agricultural and rural development, SMEs, foreign direct investment and the information society, among others. Prepared by: Division of Production, Productivity and Management. ISSN: 1020-5179.

Études statistiques

This series compiles some of the quantitative and methodological works elaborated under regular activities of the Statistics Division. Among the relevant topics covered, we can mention the methodological  aspects of the production of statistics and economic indicators. Besides, some figures represent  some studies of living conditions prevailing in the countries of the region, emphasizing  poverty and lack of equity in the income distribution. Finally, there are several initial articles in this series including analysis and projections of the macroeconomic performance in different countries. ISSN: 1994-7364.

Série Études et Perspectives-Bureau de la CEPALC à Bogota

Prepared by: ECLAC office in Bogota. ISSN: 1684-9469.

Série Études et Perspectives-Bureau de la CEPALC à Brasilia

A multithematic series covering the outcomes of ECLAC studies and research. Prepared by: ECLAC office in Brasilia. ISSN: 1727-9925.

Série Études et Perspectives-Bureau de la CEPALC en Argentine

A multithematic series covering the outcomes of ECLAC studies and research. Prepared by: ECLAC office in Buenos Aires. ISSN: 1680-8797

Série Études et Perspectives- Siège sous-régional de la CEPALC à Mexico

A multithematic series covering the outcomes of ECLAC studies and research. Prepared by: ECLAC subregional headquarters in Mexico. ISSN: 1680-8800.

Série Études et Perspectives-Siège sous-régional de la CEPALC pour les Caraïbes

Prepared by: ECLAC subregional headquarters for the Caribbean. ISSN: 1727-9917.

Série Études et Perspectives-Bureau de la CEPALC à Washington, D.C.

A collection on different themes arising from ECLAC research and studies. Prepared by: ECLAC office in Washington, D.C. ISSN: 1727-9909.
