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In the area of sustainable development, ECLAC Caribbean provides assistance to governments through research, technical assistance and training, and by supporting the formulation of articulated regional perspectives in three main areas: climate change, energy and the green economy.

Climate Change

ECLAC Caribbean has carried out focused studies on the economics of the impact of climate change on specific sectors in the Caribbean. These efforts have served as a precursor to strengthening the region’s resilience in adapting to, and mitigating the impacts of this phenomenon. AusAID and DIFD supported these undertakings.


ECLAC Caribbean has been proactively seeking policy solutions that will enable countries to pursue the sustainable and efficient use of the region’s natural resources through renewable energy and energy efficiency. GIZ is supporting these efforts.

Green Economy

ECLAC Caribbean has fostered an integrated approach to the development of the tourism sector, and the protection and conservation of water resources, in an effort to seek solutions to the region’s development issues in the area of the green economy

In addition to efforts in the above-listed thematic areas, ECLAC Caribbean also supports member countries in following up on:

  • the Barbados Programme of Action (BPoA);
  • the Mauritius Strategy of Implementation (MSI); and
  • the S.A.M.O.A. Pathway in the Caribbean.