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Showing 1 to 20 of 25 results in 2 pages.
Cover Preliminary Overview
7 December 2015 | Announcement
United Nations organization will unveil new economic growth estimates for the countries of the region in a press conference.
General view of the Regional Seminar on Fiscal Policy
3 December 2015 | Announcement
The XXVIII Regional Seminar on Fiscal Policy, organized by ECLAC, will be held March 16-17, 2016.
30 November 2015 | Announcement
The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) subregional headquarters for the Caribbean has convened a Caribbean conference on Ageing, elder abuse and the rights of older persons.
Banner de la VIII Reunión de la CEA CEPAL.
12 November 2015 | Announcement
The President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, and the Executive Secretary of ECLAC, Alicia Bárcena, will open the eighth Meeting of the Statistical Conference of the Americas on November 17.
Banner de la XV Reunión del Consejo Regional de Planificación
28 October 2015 | Announcement
On November 18-19, the XIV Conference of Ministers and Heads of Planning of Latin America and the Caribbean will be held, along with the XV Meeting of the Regional Council for Planning.
Delegates Principle 10
22 October 2015 | Announcement
The second meeting of the negotiating committee on the regional agreement will be held October 27-29. Follow the live broadcast.
logo de la conferencia
19 October 2015 | Announcement
The meeting will take place on November 2-4 in Peru.
Cover of ECLAC report
16 October 2015 | Announcement
The Commission’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, will hold a press conference in Mexico City to release the report.
30 September 2015 | Announcement
The ceremony will take place on Sunday 4th October at the commission’s headquarters in Santiago, Chile.
Fotografía de archivo de 22 de agosto de 2008 de La Oroya (Perú), considerado como el municipio más contaminado de América. Latinoamérica, que alberga ocho de los 17 países que atesoran hasta un 70% de la diversidad biológica del planeta.
8 September 2015 | Announcement
The Minister of Environment of Chile, Pablo Badenier, will offer a speech at the opening of the meeting.
photo of the first session of the Regional Conference on Population and Development.
17 August 2015 | Announcement
The meeting, organized by ECLAC and the Government of Mexico, will be held on October 6-9.
Photo of a coal plant
13 August 2015 | Announcement
The event will be held August 18-19 at the headquarters of the regional United Nations organization in Santiago, Chile.
Cover of the document
23 July 2015 | Announcement
The United Nations organization will launch on Wednesday 29 July its Economic Survey of Latin American and Caribbean 2015 in a press conference to be held at its headquarters in Santiago, Chile.
Photo of Alicia Bárcena
8 July 2015 | Announcement
ECLAC organizes along with the Governments of Chile and Colombia a side event to the international meeting that will take place in Ethiopia on July 13-16.
Photo of the report
19 May 2015 | Announcement
Next Wednesday, May 27, the organization’s Executive Secretary will present the regional overview and will provide recommendations for countries to take advantage of the potential benefits of these flows.
foto de Li Keqiang, Primer Ministro de China.
14 May 2015 | Announcement
The presentation by Li Keqiang, which will be broadcast live on the Internet, will take place on Monday, May 25, at the UN organization’s headquarters in Santiago, Chile.
Imagen de archivo de la clausura de la Primera Reunión de la Conferencia Regional sobre Población y Desarrollo, celebrada en Montevideo en agosto de 2013.
11 May 2015 | Announcement
Delegates from countries in the region will gather on June 24-26 in Santiago, Chile.
26 March 2015 | Announcement
The high-level event “Paths Toward Equality and Development: Latin America-Norway Dialogue” will take place on March 30-31 at ECLAC’s headquarters in Santiago, Chile.